
Monday, January 11, 2016

How is reactive power related to the problem of voltage collapse?

In terms of this water-carrying analogy, the frequency of going up and down the ladder should be nearly constant (that, is like our 60 cycles per second electrical frequency). So, when more water is needed, the amount that each person carries up the ladder must get bigger (since they are not allowed to go faster or slower). Well, if this water gets too heavy, either the ladder might break, or the person might get too tired to carry it. We could argue that if the ladder breaks, that is like the outage of a transmission line that either sags or breaks under the stress of too much current. There are devices called relays in an electrical system that are supposed to sense when the load is too much and send a signal to a “circuit breaker” to remove the line from service (like removing the set of three ladders). If the person gets too tired, we could again stretch this analogy to say that this is like not having enough reactive power (resulting in low
1 Another analogy that says that reactive power is the “foam on the beer” is fairly good here because the space in the glass is taken up by the useless foam - leaving less room for the “real” beer.
voltage). In the extreme case, the person might “collapse” under the weight of the water that the person is being asked to carry. If it happens to one person, it will probably happen to many of them. In the electrical system this could be considered a “voltage collapse”. While there are “undervoltage relays,” there are no relays in the system to directly sense the problem that the voltage is about to collapse.
Remember, the people going up and down the ladders do not absorb or produce energy over a complete cycle and are therefore analogous to reactive power. It is the water going up the ladder to fill the tank that absorbs real power that must be paid for. But, the real power cannot be delivered without the reactive power. And, if there is not enough reactive power (like with people going up and down the ladders), the real power delivery will eventually fail.
In summary, a voltage collapse occurs when the system is trying to serve more load than the voltage can support. A simulation has been prepared to illustrate voltage collapse by simply using a system with an Eastern generator and customer load, a Western generator and customer load, and East to West transmission lines. In the simulation, the Eastern generator has a constrained supply of reactive power and progressive line outages for unspecified reasons lead to a voltage collapse even when reactive power supply is ample at the Western generator. The results of the simulation are available in Power Point slides. (If you are connected to the Internet, click here to view the slides.)
In contrast to all of this, you could route a hose up the side of the water tower and simply turn on the water and let the water flow in the hose to fill up the tank. The water pressure is like voltage, and the water flow is like current. This type of system would be a direct current (DC) system and would not involve reactive power at all. However, the concept of voltage collapse is not unique to AC systems. A simple DC system consisting of a battery serving light bulbs can be used to illustrate how too much load on a system can lead to a condition where voltages drop to a critical point where “adding more load” results in less power transmission - a form of voltage collapse. (If you are connected to the Internet, click here to view Power Point slides illustrating DC voltage collapse.)

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