
Monday, January 11, 2016

What is Reactive Power?

Reactive power is a quantity that is normally only defined for alternating current (AC) electrical systems. Our U.S. interconnected grid is almost entirely an AC system where the voltages and currents alternate up and down 60 times per second (not necessarily at the same time). In that sense, these are pulsating quantities. Because of this, the power being transmitted down a single line also “pulsates” - although it goes up and down 120 times per second rather than 60. This power goes up and down around some “average” value - this average value is called the “real” power and over time you pay for this in kilowatt-hours of energy. If this average value is zero, then all of the power being transmitted is called “reactive” power. You would not normally be charged for using reactive power because you are consuming some energy half the time, and giving it all back the other half of the time - for a net use of zero. To distinguish reactive power from real power, we use the reactive power unit called “VAR” - which stands for Volt-Ampere-Reactive. Voltage in an electrical system is analogous to pressure in a water system. Current in an electrical system is analogous to the flow of water in a water system.
Let’s go back to this notion that voltage and current may not go up and down at the same time. When the voltage and current do go up and down at the same time, only real power is transmitted. When the voltage and current go up and down at different times, reactive power is being transmitted. How much reactive power and which direction it is flowing on a transmission line depends on how different these two times are.
Two extreme examples of the time relationship between voltage and current are found in inductors and capacitors. An inductor is a coil of wire that is used to make motors. A capacitor is made of parallel conductive plates separated by an insulating material. The electrical properties of these two devices are such that if they are both connected to the
same AC voltage source, the inductor absorbs energy during the same “half cycle” that the capacitor is giving energy. And similarly, the inductor produces energy during the same “half cycle” that the capacitor absorbs energy. Neither of them absorbs any real power over one complete cycle. Thus, when a motor needs reactive power, it is not necessary to go all the way back to electric power generators on the transmission grid to get it. You can simply put a capacitor at the location of the motor and it will provide the VARs needed by the motor. This relieves the generator and all the lines between the generator and the motor of having to transmit those VARs. They are provided “locally” by the capacitor. This means that with the capacitors installed, the current in the lines will be smaller than when the capacitors are not installed. This is a good thing because current in the lines causes heat and every line can only handle a limited amount of current. Since the line current is smaller when the capacitors are installed, the voltage drop along all the lines is also less, making it more likely that the motor will have a voltage closer to the desired value. When there are not enough VARs flowing locally to the loads, the generators must supply them remotely, causing unnecessarily large currents and a resulting drop in voltage everywhere along the path.

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